Common Oral Ulcers: Causes, prevention - Education & Career Success Guide

Common Oral Ulcers: Causes, prevention

Common Oral Ulcers
With the season changing and viral fevers raging, all of us at some point in time would have been affected by mouth ulcers that are annoying and painful. 

The reasons for majority of all oral ulcers are unknown. They are more common in women. Most of these are simple ulcers, self limiting and harmless. They usually heal in a week. 

But if they are prolonged and recurrent, one should seek a doctor’s attention.  

Common Oral Ulcers
  •   Aphthous ulcers, also called canker sores
  •  Cold sores, also known as fever blisters 
  • Stress 
  • Certain foods -- including citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables (such Oral Ulcers as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries) 
  • Abrasions from biting or dentures 
  •  Deficiencies of Vitamins C and B 12, zinc, folic acid and iron 
  •  GI diseases such as Celiac and Crohn’s disease 
  •  Infections: bacterial (Syphilis, TB, Neisserial infections), viral (predominantly Herpes Type 1), mononucleosis and fungal 
  •  Cancer 
  •  Medications such as aspirin, tetracycline 
  •  Alcohol 
  •  At times ulcers can show up for no particular reason
  • If left untreated, mouth ulcers may lead to health complications such as
  •  Cellulitis of the mouth, from secondary bacterial infection of ulcers.
  •  Dental infections, also known as tooth abscesses may form due to untreated ulcers. (Bacteria from ulcer spread and cause infection in teeth.)
  •  Spread of contagious disorders to other people.
  •  Symptomatic treatment is the primary course of action in treating ulcers.
  •  Local anaesthetics, vitamins or gels may be administered based on the type of ulcer. 
  •  Avoiding spicy and hot foods can alleviate pain caused by ulcers and speed up recovery.
  •  If the cause of the ulcer is known, then treatment of the underlying cause is necessary.
Prevention Of Mouth Ulcers
  • While ulcers can crop up from deficiencies or other diseases, there are certain steps one can take to prevent some types of ulcers.
  •  Brush your teeth at least twice every day
  •  Floss regularly
  •  Visit your dentist regularly
  •  Brush your teeth very gently, taking care not to slip with the brush
  •  Eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet
  •  Make sure that underlying conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and inflammatory bowel disease, are managed appropriately

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