Tips to successful parenting - Education & Career Success Guide

Tips to successful parenting

It is important that we bring up our children in a way that gives them a sense of responsibility, builds their self-esteem and makes them feel loved. With nuclear families becoming the norm, parenting is getting to be more trying. Here are some tips to bring up healthy happy children.
Tips to successful parenting
1.       Talk with and listen to your child: In today’s busy lives, we are often thinking about the next thing that we have to do, instead of giving 100 percent attention to what our child is saying to us. We often pretend to listen, or even ignore our child’s attempts to communicate with us. Your child’s self-esteem is greatly influenced by the quality of time you spend with him/her, not the quantity of time. It is important to make eye contact and use gentle touch when communicating with your child and be sure to share smiles and hugs
2.       Be your child’s first source of information: Encouraging your children by asking questions makes it easier for them to ask questions as well. By answering your child’s 1questions with honesty, you can create a relationship of mutual trust and respect that can prevent your child from developing unsafe habits.
3.       Understand your child’s needs: The real expert is yourself when in the case your child’s needs. You should know your child’s development – social, intellectual, physical, emotional and moral – and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Tuitions and counseling should not be considered as taboo.
4.       Cherish your child’s individuality: Encourage your kid’s talents and interests. Spend as much as time alone with your kid’s every day. Approve your kid’s differences and avoid comparing them or asking why you are not like someone else. Comparisons do not always encourage competitive spirit, as wrongly assumed by many.
5.       Appreciate the value of play: Play is crucial to all aspects of a kid’s development, but is often overlooked as a valuable tool. Play can obstruct discipline problems, offer a natural way for children to learn, and is extremely important in the formation of a positive relationship between parent and child. The best of learning and the best of bonding happen during play.
6.       Separate the deed from the doer: Never tell your children that they are bad. That lowers their self-esteem. Help your child understand that it isn’t that you don’t like him/her. But it is their behavior that you are unwilling to accept. In order for a child to have healthy self-esteem, he/she must know that they are loved unconditionally no matter what they do. Never try to motivate your child by withdrawing your love from him/her.
7.       Teach your child right from wrong: A child understands of right and wrong develops slowly, from within.  Teach your children the code of moral conduct and lay the groundwork for them to develop their own moral guide. This is best done by narrating exemplary stories, and not by sermonizing.
8.       Use logical consequences for discipline:  A consequence for the child must be logically related to the behavior in order for it to work. For example, if your child draws up a huge phone bill and you ground him/her for a week, that punishment will only create resentment within your children. However, if you deduct the amount from his/her pocket money, then your child can see the logic behind your discipline.
9.       Encourage all-round development: Provide healthy meals and snacks and model good habits. Give confidence exercise by being active with your child and limiting time in front of the television. Support your child’s efforts in school and provide opportunities to learn and explore by visiting the library, museums and other places of interest. Participate actively in your child’s holiday homework, encouraging all the practical activities.
10.   Set yourself as a role model: Model and teach good safety habits and establish routines. Discuss and enforce rules that work for your family – for example, putting away toys after play, keeping the books decently, etc.
11.   Make time for family activities: A sense of belonging is enhanced when families take to engage in common activities such as having meals together and sharing tasks and responsibilities. Use family time to discuss needs and feelings, and to solve problems. Going for regular family holidays goes a long way in promoting bonding.

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