ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test(IBSAT) 2012 all over India - Education & Career Success Guide

ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test(IBSAT) 2012 all over India

ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test (IBSAT) 2012

Important Dates         

Last Date for Receipt of completed Applications     :     7th December 2012
Entrance Test                                                              :     15th December 2012 - 16th January 2013

IBSAT is an aptitude test conducted by the Federation of Universities (FedUni), for students seeking admission into the management programs. IBSAT consists of multiple choice questions. IBSAT is for 2 hours duration and is aimed to test the applicant's ability in quantitative techniques, data interpretation, data adequacy, vocabulary, analytical reasoning and reading comprehension.

  1.     2-year MBA Program
  2.     Postgraduate Program in Management (PGPM)
Eligibility :
    Graduates (any discipline) in English medium with 50% and above aggregate marks.
    Final year students awaiting results can also apply.

How to Apply
Applicants interested in appearing for IBSAT can apply by any one of the following methods.

A. OMR Application Form

Applicants are required to fill up the OMR Application Form enclosed and send it to the Admissions Officer, IBSAT Office (address given on the left hand side). The self attested copies of X Class, XII Class and graduation marks sheets are to be enclosed along with the OMR Application Form. The students in the final year of graduation may enclose the marksheets up to the current semester/ year.

B. Online Application

Applicants can apply online by filling up the Application Form available at website and make payment of Rs.1,200 towards the cost using Credit/Debit Card (Visa/ MasterCard/ Citibank Card) through secure internet payment gateway. Applicants applying through online should attach their scanned color photograph along with the Online Application. The IBSAT Application Material will be sent to such applicants.

C. Download of Application Form

Alternatively, applicants can download the Application Form from website, complete it and send it to the Admissions Officer along with the demand draft of Rs.1,200 towards the cost (DD in favor of "IUCF A/c IBS" payable at Hyderabad). The IBSAT Application Material will be sent to such applicants.

Documnets to be sent with application form :

The applicants applying through any one of the above modes should enclose the self attested copies of :
X Class, XII Class and graduation marksheets (Year wise/Semester wise) along with the OMR Application Form. The students applying online have to forward the attested copies of their marksheets to the Admissions Officer. The students in the final year of graduation may enclose the marksheets up to the current semester/ year.

Test Centres

IBSAT will be conducted all over India. The applicants can choose any one of the test center available for IBSAT.

The list of test centers can be obtained from the IBSAT website.

Please note that requests for change of test center will not be entertained under normal circumstances.

In the event of not having enough seats at the requested test center, applicants will be allotted the nearest alternative center. IBSAT Office reserves the right to add or delete a few test centers depending upon the situation.

The same will be intimated on the website for the benefit of applicants.

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