Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) 2013 : On February 17, 2013 - Education & Career Success Guide

Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) 2013 : On February 17, 2013

Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST)

Important Dates          
On-line Registrations open for JEST 2013     :     November 10- December 10  2012
Last Date for online Form submission            :     10th December 2012
Joint Entrance Screening Test- JEST 2013     :     17th February  2013
Announcement of Results                               :     March  2013
Interviews will start from                                :     last week of April 2013

A number of reputed institutes in the country have come together to conduct a Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) for enrolment of students in Ph.D. / Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. programs in physics (including various inter-disciplinary research areas in physics) and Theoretical Computer Science.

JEST is conducted for selecting candidates to be interviewed for admission to Ph. D. Programmes in Physics/ Theoretical Computer Science in these institutions in the country.

Applications are invited from motivated students, with consistently good academic record, for appearing in JEST leading to enrolment in a Ph. D. Programme in Physics (including various inter-disciplinary research areas in Physics)/ Theoretical Computer Science, at any of the 24 premier participating institutions

Institutions participating in  JEST are :
  1. ARIES, Nainital
  2. IIA, Bangalore
  3. IISc, Bangalore
  4. IISER , Mohali
  5. IISER, Pune
  6. IUCAA, Pune
  7. JNCASR, Bangalore
  8. NCRA, Pune
  9. PRL, Ahmedabad
  10. RRI, Bangalore
  11. SNBNCBS, Kolkata
  12. NISER, BhubaneswarIISER, Thiruvananthapuram
  13. UGC-DAE CSR, Indore
  14. HRI, Allahabad
  15. IGCAR, Kalpakkam
  16. IMSc, Chennai
  17. IOP, Bhubaneswar
  18. IPR, Gandhinagar
  19. RRCAT, Indore
  20. SINP, Kolkata
  21. VECC, Kolkata
  22. HBNI, Mumbai
Ph.D. Programme

Physics : M.Sc. in Physics or M.Sc. / M.E. / M.Tech. in related disciplines. 
Candidates with M.Sc. in Mathematics / Applied Physics / Applied Mathematics / Optics and Photonics / Instrumentation / Electronics will also be considered at IIA. Graduates with a B.E. or B.Tech. will also be considered at IISc, IMSc, IUCAA, JNCASR, NCRA-TIFR, RRI, IISER Mohali, IISER Pune and SNBNCBS.

BE/ BTech/ BCA/ BSc students can also apply for the integrated MSc-PhD programme, see below. In addition, talented final year B.Sc. and first year M.Sc. (in Physics / Electronics / Astronomy / Applied Mathematics) students may also apply to be pre-selected for research scholarship at IUCAA. Similar pre-selection is open at SNBNCBS for candidates who also have specialization in Bio-Physics, Optics and Opto-Electronics. At IPR, candidates should have a Master's degree in Physics, Engineering Physics or Applied Physics.

Theoretical Computer Science : M.Sc./ M.E. / M.Tech. / M.C.A. in Computer Science and related disciplines, and should be interested in the mathematical aspects of computer science.

Integrated M.Sc./M.Tech. – Ph.D. Programme
  • At HRI, IISER Pune, NCRA-TIFR and SNBNCBS, candidates with a Bachelor’s degree will also be considered for the integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D. programme in Physics.
  • At IMSc, graduates with B.Sc. / B.E. / B. Tech. degree will also be considered for admission to M.Sc. (Research) programme in Physics and Theoretical Computer Science, as part of an integrated Ph.D. programme. At SNBNCBS, graduates with B.Sc. (Physics/Mathematics) / B.E. / B.Tech. degree will be considered for the integrated Post-B.Sc.-Ph.D. programme in subject areas mentioned above.
  • At IIA, graduates with B.Sc. (Physics / Mathematics) / B.E. / B.Tech. in Electrical / Instrumentation / Engineering Physics / Electronics and Communications / Computer Science and Engineering / Optics and Photonics will be considered.

Integrated M.Tech - Ph.D. Programme at IIA
  • Graduates with M.Sc. (Physics / Applied Physics) / Post-B.Sc (Hons) 
  • B.Tech in Optics and Photonics, 
  • Radiophysics and Electronics / B.E. / B.Tech. 
  • degree in subjects mentioned above will be considered. Visit IIA website for details.

Visit websites of participating institutes for further details.

Exam  centers : 
  1. Agarthala(to be confirmed),
  2. Ahmedabad, 
  3. Aligarh, 
  4. Bangalore, 
  5. Bardhaman, 
  6. Bhopal, 
  7. Bhubaneswar, 
  8. Chandigarh, 
  9. Chennai, 
  10. Delhi, 
  11. Goa, 
  12. Guwahati, 
  13. Hyderabad, 
  14. Indore, 
  15. Jaipur, 
  16. Kanpur,
  17.  Kharagpur, 
  18. Kochi, 
  19. Kolkata, 
  20. Madurai, 
  21. Mumbai, 
  22. Nagpur, 
  23. Nainital, 
  24. Patna, 
  25. Pune, 
  26. Raipur, 
  27. Roorkee,
  28. Sambalpur, 
  29. Silchar, 
  30. Siliguri, 
  31. Srinagar,
  32. Thiruvananthapuram, 
  33. Udaipur ,
  34. Varanasi and 
  35. Visakhapatnam.

How to Apply :
Candidates for Physics / Theoretical Computer Science can apply for JEST-2012 ON-LINE through Although ON-LINE applications are preferred, for those who have difficulty in accessing internet, hard copy of the application form can be requested by writing to The JEST Coordinator, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012. Email applications and photocopies of printed applications will not be accepted.

Candidates seeking admission to any of the institutes for a Ph. D. Programme in Physics / Theoretical Computer Science may appear for JEST (written test in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science as applicable) at the test center chosen by the candidate.

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