Best 6 Tips to sleep better tonight - Education & Career Success Guide

Best 6 Tips to sleep better tonight

Let's face it. We live in a "go-go" world! Our lifestyle is quick-paced, our food is fast and statistics now show it's taking a toll on one of the most important parts of our life--our sleep. Try these tips for better sleep and see if you can finally get some good shut eye. 

Tips To sleep Better

1. Avoid watching TV before bed...especially in bed!
The bed should be reserved for two things...sleep and romance...not Desperate Housewives or football! Research shows that those who experienced the most sleep disturbances had televisions in their bedrooms and used the TV to fall asleep.

2. Try a different pillow or mattress.
It's scary to think how long some of us have been sleeping on the same pillows and mattresses for years and years. Does your mattress provide the support you like? Do you wake with your back aching? Is there enough room for you and your sleep partner? Do you sleep better, or worse, when you sleep away from home? These are all things to ask yourself to determine if your mattress could be the "sabotager" of your good night's sleep. Or more simply, just replacing your pillow with a new, fresh, higher quality version could be all that you need.

3. Avoid caffeine late in the day.
Did you know that even a small amount of caffeine even 10-12 hours before bedtime can cause problems falling asleep! Try eliminating the tea, soda and even chocolate and see if sleep improves.

4. Listen to relaxing music.
Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, such as listening to music, could be just the thing you need to signal your body it is time to sleep. So, dim the lights and throw some slow jazz or purchase a "relaxing sounds" CD to help slow your mind and body down for an evening of peaceful sleep.

5. Try mind- body techniques.
After an action-packed day, your brain and body need to unwind and detox before sleep can occur (a.k.a. you need to chill!) Create a "ritual" for bedtime - take a bath, meditate, do some easy stretches or yoga. Try to do your "ritual" in the same way, in the same place, at the same time each night. The repetition will trigger your mind and body that it is time to relax and sleep.

6. Try a natural sleep aid.
For many people, while the above tips and suggestions may help, it often isn't enough. if you are one of those people who really have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep, you may want to try a natural sleep aid.

While over the counter sleep medications may help you fall asleep, they cannot be taken long-term and many have risky side effects. A sleep aid that uses natural ingredients is a better approach to getting a solid night's sleep.

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