Bananas For Gorgeous Skin And Say Goodbye To Pimples - Education & Career Success Guide

Bananas For Gorgeous Skin And Say Goodbye To Pimples

Banana acts as a great skin exfoliator and a nourisher

Not happy with the way your skin looks and feels? You might not have been taking good care of yourself. But we don't blame you. With the hectic lives that we lead today, not often do we find the time for our beauty needs.

That's why it's all the more important to keep handy the right kind of ingredients or beauty products to keep your skin looking young and beautiful. And no, we are not talking about complicated stuff but just bananas. Did you know that banana can help you in getting rid of acnes and keep your skin moisturized?

The most commonly available fruit is actually a powerhouse of nutrients. Right from the peel to its flesh, banana contains antioxidants, vitamins (B6 and B12) and minerals like potassium and magnesium. While we already know that including bananas in our breakfast can give us the much needed health boost, it can also show wonderful results when used as a home remedy to treat skin issues. Here's how:
1. Banana peel + honey

Don't throw away banana peel. Instead mash the peel along with one teaspoon honey and apply it generously on your skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash with cool water. Do this for a week to treat pimples and acne.

2. Banana + sugar + yoghurt

Banana acts as a great skin exfoliator. Mash a ripe banana in a bowl and add quarter cup yoghurt and quarter cup sugar to it. Apply the mix on your face and neck and gently massage in circular motion for 10 minutes. Wash with cold water and see the difference.

3. Banana + orange juice

Take a ripe orange, peel and blend it. Add one mashed banana to it and half cup oatmeal. Mix well and apply it generously on your face. Wash after 15 minutes.

Pamper your skin with the goodness of bananas and stay gorgeous.

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