Spot the 15 signs of dehydration - Education & Career Pathways: Your Guide to Success

Spot the 15 signs of dehydration

Your body's water requirement doubles in summer. Keep an eye out for the signs of dehydration and make sure you stay safely hydrated whatever the weather.
1. Dry mouth
Dry Mouth
Always feeling thirsty? Chances are that you are suffering from xerostomia, also known as dry mouth. It is a condition where the mouth stops or lessens saliva production. It is a way your brain has of telling you that your body is not getting enough fluids.
2. Bad breath
Bad Breath
An extension of dry mouth condition, lack of saliva can increase the production of bacteria in your mouth, leading to bad breath.
3. Dry skin
Dry Skin

Generally we think that summer is all about protecting our skin from harmful UV rays. We forget that even after using all the SPF creams, we might still end up with dry skin. So, if your skin sags after pinching, it’s a sure sign of dehydration.
4. Dry eyes
No Tears
Eyes are one of the most sensitive body parts and any change in hydration level will impact your vision immediately. When eyes are not properly lubricated, they can’t produce tears. If your eyes are itchy and uncomfortable, it may well be because your body fluid levels are too low.
5. No sweating
No Sweating
Just think about it — how can you sweat if there’s not enough water in the body? In case you feel blessed that you are sweat-free this summer and need less deodorant, think again. Sweating is an essential part of your physiology. If you're not sweating, alarm bells should be ringing.
6. Headache
Many people complain of regular headaches during summer. Our brain sits inside a fluid sack that protects it from impacts and stresses. When the water level goes down, the fluid sack gets depleted and that can mean severe headaches. So, before you pop that pill for headaches, have plenty of water and stay hydrated.
7. Dizziness
Lower body fluids combined with low blood pressure can lead to dizziness. You might also feel confused and disoriented: this is really bad news and can mean severe dehydration.
8. Weakness
Our body consists of 60-65% water. Lower levels of body fluids hamper the usual body functions: you'll feel weaker and less coordinated.
9. Less urine output
No input, no output. If the body loses water volume without any replenishment, then it’s very obvious that it won’t be able to pass urine. Less urine output or dark-coloured urine is a sign of dehydration. Don't neglect it! It could damage your kidneys in the long run.
10. Craving for sweets
Having a sudden craving for a chocolate bite or that mango popsicle? The reason is that due to lack of water in the body, the liver can’t release enough glycogens from your energy store. Consequently, the brain sends you these craving signals. In such cases, reach for snacks high in water content.
11. Fever
Sounds odd, but it’s true. If you are severely dehydrated, you may experience chills or feel feverish. Don’t misread the fever as it can be very dangerous.
12. Constipation
Water is the key to good digestion. So if you are not drinking enough water, the intestines lose flexibility. Inflexible intestines soak up water from food and produce hard stools that are difficult to pass.
13. Heart palpitations
Heart palpitations
If you have experienced irregular heartbeats, don’t ignore the sign. Depleted amounts of electrolytes due to dehydration can affect the heart’s ability to pump blood.
14. Muscle cramps
Muscle Cramps
It’s the direct reaction of muscles seizing up in the heat. When muscles work hard and the body stays dehydrated, there are changes in body salt levels, such as sodium and potassium. The change affects the muscles and lead to cramps.
15. Unconsciousness

This is the ultimate red signal given out by the body when in dire need of water. Extreme dehydration leads to high body temperature and dizziness. Unconsciousness is the sum total of various factors such as low blood pressure, dizziness, etc. If someone's unconscious from dehydration, this is a serious medical emergency.

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