Meghan Markle's Workout Routine From Her Former Trainer - Education & Career Success Guide

Meghan Markle's Workout Routine From Her Former Trainer

When she gets to the gym, there’s no real complaining. She gets down to business right away.

Meghan Markle's not just sweating for the wedding—she's been a fitness junkie since way before she was slated to become an American princess.

When McNamee met Meghan three years ago, she was "already in fantastic shape," thanks to her avid running and yoga routine. "So it was up to me to take it to the next level," he says. That meant supplementing her existing regimen with circuit-based strength training—and lots of it.

Complete all exercises of this circuit in a row, resting for 45 seconds at the end. Then repeat for two to three more rounds.
Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat and Press

This challenging exercise utilizes multiple muscle groups including the quads, hamstrings, glutes, core, and shoulders.
How to: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms in goalpost position at shoulder height. Stand about two feet in front of a step or bench and place the top of your right foot on it. Bend your knees to lower into a lunge until your right knee grazes the floor, keeping your chest upright and hips directly under your body (a). Push through your left heel to stand, pressing the dumbbells directly overhead (b). That's one rep. Do 10 split squats per leg, for a total of 20 reps of the shoulder press.

Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

This exercise will be sure to challenge your core and light up those hamstrings.
How to: From a standing position, holding the kettlebell in front of your thigh with your right hand, shift your weight into your left leg, and lift your right foot off the ground just behind you. Your planted left leg should have a slight bend in the knee (a). Push your hips back and extend your right leg straight back behind you. Your chest will drop as you reach the lifted leg back (b). When you reach the end of the range of motion—typified by tension in the hamstrings—reverse the movement to return to standing. That's one rep; do 15 reps, then switch legs and do 15 reps on the other side.

Plyo Step Ups

This explosive exercise is a great move to define the quads.
How to: Stand in front of a bench. Bring left foot to the bench (a), then press all your weight into that foot, and explode your body upward (b). As you come back down, return safely and with control to the bench or box. That's one rep. Do 15 per leg.

TRX Triceps Extension

"This version of a triceps extension will not only allow for a full stretch on those muscles, it also increases the tension throughout your entire core," says McNamee. "Can you say killer combo?"
How to: Grab a TRX, and attach it to a stable anchor. Facing away from the anchor, grip one handle in each hand, and lean your body forward until it's at a 45-degree angle. Arms should bend backward to a 90-degree angle, elbows near ears (a). While engaging your triceps, push your body back to a nearly upright position, and extend your arms until they're completely straight (b). That's one rep. Do 15.
Hanging Abs Raise

This advanced exercise will make new use of a chin up bar and get your abs working.
How to: Grab a chinup bar, and let your legs fully extend toward the floor. Bend elbows to 90 degrees, engaging the upper body (a). Using your lower abs, bring your knees up, until they're tucked into your chest (b). That's one rep. Do 15.
Supine Glute Bridge

This one will set your glutes on fire.
How to: Rest your body on a incline bench, with a weight placed across your pelvis (a). With your hips a few inches off the floor, contract your glutes and elevate your hips until they're in line with your knees (b). Hold at the top for a one to two second count before safely lowering. Do 20 reps. If you don’t have access to a barbell, use a dumbbell or medicine ball.

Single-Leg Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl

The goal is to not lose the elevated position as you complete your reps.
How to: Lie flat on a mat with your left ankle and heel positioned on a stability ball, hips elevated, and the right leg extended straight up into the air, perpendicular with your mat (a). Using your hamstring muscles, drag the stability ball toward your body, until just the tip of your heel is resting on the ball (b). That's one rep. Do 20 per side. To simplify, complete the curl movement with both legs on the stability ball at the same time.

TRX Banded Squat and Row

This combination will allow a focus on your postural musculature, as well as providing hip stability.
How to: Stand facing your TRX, with a mini band wrapped around your thighs. Hang on to the TRX loops in each hand, elbows glued to sides, and then extend arms to lower down into a squat (a). Use your glutes, back, and inner thigh muscles to lift your body back to a standing position, bringing arms back to sides (b). That's one rep. Do 20.

Straight-Arm Side Plank With Banded Hip Abduction

How to: Wrap a mini band around your thighs, just above your knee. Get into a forearm side plank position, with your hand pressed into the ground, and knee lowered and bent at 90 degrees for stability (a). Elevate your top leg against the band’s resistance (b). Each time you get your leg parallel to the floor that counts as one rep. Do 20 on each side.

Banded Hip Extensions

How to: Get into a tabletop position with a mini band looped above your knees, one leg extended behind you (a). Lift your extended leg until it is higher than your hips (b). Return to the starting position. That's one rep. Do 20 per side.

V-Sit Hold

This static core exercise is a great finisher. It will target your upper abs, lower abs and obliques all in one seemingly simple move. Just make sure you brace through your core and maintain proper alignment throughout.
How to: Begin in a seated position with your knees bent and your feet resting lightly on the ground as you balance on your sit bones. With your core engaged, lengthen through your torso and recline slightly, avoiding any rounding of your back. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, then extend your legs, creating a V-shape with your torso and legs. Breathe comfortably throughout the move. Hold for 30 seconds. For an added challenge, hold two to three pound weights in each hand during the hold.

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