Christian Medical College, Vellore : Medical PG Admissions 2012 - Education & Career Success Guide

Christian Medical College, Vellore : Medical PG Admissions 2012

Christian Medical College, Vellore - Medical PG ( MD/MS/Dip NB / Diplomas ) & Residency in Medical Physics Admissions 2012 - On 8th December 2012

Important Dates           
  1. Last date for receipt of the filled application                              :     8th November 2012
  2. Written test                                                                              :     10th November 2012
  3. Announcement of list of candidates who qualify for interviews    :     14th December 2012
  4. Registration for Interviews & Medical Checkup                        :     7th January 2013
  5. Special Tests and Interviews at Vellore                                     :     8th January 2013
  6. Announcement of final selection list                                          :     9th January 2013
  7. Acceptance by 8.00 am                                                          :     10th January 2013
  8. Registration for admission to Diploma Courses                        :     25th February 2013
  9. Registration for admission to Degree Courses                          :    26th February 2013
  10. Courses begin                                                                        :     1st March 2013
  List of all the courses for which admissions are offered in March 2013 

Subjects Course Duration Type of test available Eligibility
Anaesthesia M.D. 3 years General or Special - Anaesthesia 1. Candidates having qualified for the M.B.B.S Degree and having completed their compulsory rotating residential
internship and obtained full registration before 15/05/2013, are eligible to apply for the postgraduate
diploma and degree courses. 2.Candidates having qualified for a postgraduate diploma may also apply for the postgraduate degree (MS/MD) course in the same subject. Post Diploma candidates with a diploma
in the same subject will undergo 2 years training for the degree.
Note: Those who complete a DCP will
not have this benefit for MD Pathology. Candidates currently undergoing training for a post-graduate diploma need to complete
the same by 15/05/2013
 3.  Those with a service obligation will need to have completed the same by 15/05/2013.
D.A. 2 years
Anatomy M.D. 3 years General or Special - Anatomy
Biochemistry M.D. 3 years General or Special - Biochemistry
Clinical Pathology D.C.P. 2 years General only
Community Med M.D. 3 years General or Special - Comm. Med.
Dermatology Venerol & Lep. M.D. 3 years General or Special - Dermatology
D.D.V.L. 2 years
ENT M.S. 3 years General or Special - ENT
D.L.O. 2 years
General Medicine M.D. 3 years General only
General Surgery M.S. 3 years General only
Microbiology M.D. 3 years General or Special - Microbiology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology M.D. 3 years General or Special - Obst. & Gynae
D.G.O. 2 years
Ophthalmology M.S. 3 years General or Special - Ophthalmology
D.O. 2 years
Orthopaedics M.S. 3 years General or Special - Orthopaedics
D.Orth. 2 years
Paediatrics MD 3 years General or Special - Paediatrics
D.C.H. 2 years
Pathology M.D. 3 years General or Special - Pathology
Pharmacology M.D. 3 years General or Special - Pharmacology
Physiology M.D. 3 years General or Special - Physiology
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation M.D. 3 years General or Special - PMR
Psychiatry M.D. 3 years General or Special - Psychiatry
D.P.M. 2 years
Radiodiagnosis M.D. 3 years General or Special - Radiology
D.M.R.D. 2 years
Radiotherapy M.D. 3 years General or Special - Radiotherapy
D.M.R.T. 2 years
Medical Physics Residency in Medical Physics 2 years Special tests and interview MSc degree in Medical Physics or a Post-graduate Diploma in Hospital Physics (Dip R.P) from BARC, Mumbai.

Admission Details : 
  • Admission to all medical Post Graduate courses (MD /MS/ Diploma) conducted by the College are ranked on the based on the performance in the entrance examination, practical tests, interviews and the weightage given for having worked in the rural and needy areas, academic performance in college etc and is subject to approval from the University and other such bodies as are applicable.
  • Application forms can be accessed on-line from the Christian Medical College website and submitted with a basic administrative fee of Rs.750/-.
  • Application forms are also available by post from the Office of the Registrar on payment of Rs.750/-. To get this form, pay as indicated below and send the DD or the original Challan to: Office of the Registrar, CMC, Thorapadi PO, Vellore 632002. State your full postal address with Pin-code. Please also mention your telephone number and email address if available. No additional money, stamps or envelopes are required.
  • Candidates applying from abroad (other than SAARC countries) should send a Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- or its equivalent and those from other foreign countries US dollars 100 or its equivalent.
  • Applications are also available at the following post offices in Vellore: Bagayam, Vellore HO and CMC Town Campus
Payment can be made using any of the following methods:
1. As a challan at no extra cost at any branch of ICICI bank in India. Please mention FC-CMC-V on the challan. (Send original challan)
2. Demand draft in favour of “C.M.C. Vellore Association a/c” on any scheduled bank, payable in Vellore.


The selection of candidates will be according to the directives of  the CMC Vellore Council. Fifty percent of seats in each course are reserved for sponsored candidates, provided they fulfill other criteria for eligibility for admission. However, more than 50% of the available seats may be allotted to sponsored candidate based on their ranking in the selection test. The wait list is based on ranking in the selection tests. The first sponsored candidate on the waiting list will ordinarily fill vacancies arising by sponsored candidates not accepting a seat to make up 50% reservation for sponsored candidates. In the event that more than 50% of the seats in any course are filled by sponsored candidates and one of the sponsored candidates does not accept the seat, it will be offered to the next candidate on the wait list by rank irrespective of whether he or she is sponsored or open. No admissions will be made after 25th May 2013.

Candidates for all medical Post Graduate courses (MD /MS/ Diploma) conducted by the College are ranked on the basis of a written test, practical tests and interview.

1. The written test will be conducted at Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Puducherry, Trivandrum and Vellore.

2. The written test will be of 2 types:

a. A GENERAL paper consisting of multiple choice questions drawn from all subjects taught in the undergraduate medical course.

b. A SPECIAL paper consisting of multiple choice questions in the speciality for which candidate has applied and subjects allied to it e.g., the paper for E.N.T. may include questions in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc., with respect to the ear, nose and throat.

The duration of the General and Special papers are 3 hours each (240 questions). The General paper commences at 9.00 a.m. and the Special paper at 2.00 p.m. All candidates who wish to take the written test are required to be in their assigned seats at the time, date and place stipulated on the Hall ticket. No candidate will be permitted to enter the examination hall after 30 minutes of the stipulated examination commencement time. Those who cannot take the examination on a Saturday for religious reasons (eg. SDAs) should apply separately to the Registrar for special arrangements to take the examinations. This special arrangement however will only be available at Vellore.

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