10 Best Tips to Keep Your Car Looking New - Education & Career Success Guide

10 Best Tips to Keep Your Car Looking New

A car with well-maintained paintwork will always look younger than one with chips and scratches.
Some People are obsessive about looking after their cars, parking in spaces far from where they need to be, just so other inconsiderate owners don’t open their doors into yours, or carefully removing every little mark as soon as it appears.

But even these people often make the most basic mistakes when it comes to keeping their cars looking like new.
So, here’s what NOT to do to your own car.
1. Use an automated car wash with swirling brushes.  Notice that those brushes are called “swirling” brushes and that’s exactly what they’ll do to your paint. 

Even if you don’t notice it, you’ve probably added a whole swag of new swirl marks to your paintwork.
Those brushes in car washes are seldom cleaned so the accumulated sand, grit and other debris is being swirled across your paintwork every time the brush passes over.
Some car washes use synthetic brushes that are better at shedding dirt and debris, but it’ still not fail safe.
2. Go to a car wash where attendants dry your car. If there are people hand drying your car after it’s passed through the car wash, it can be almost as bad as using a brushing car wash because chances are the towels they are using haven’t been washed.

Drying your car with a dirty towel simply swirls the grit from other cars around your paintwork. Nasty.

3. Use a high pressure “touch less” car wash.  So you think taking your car to a self-serve or touch less high pressure wash will protect your paintwork? Wrong again.
If your car is exceptionally dirty, hitting it with high pressure water can push debris across your paintwork and still because those awful swirl marks.
Even if the car is relatively clean, you aren’t safe. Many car washes use recycled water and no matter how hard they try, or what they tell you, it isn’t possible to remove all the contaminants, so every squirt of high pressure water is effectively sand-blasting your paintwork.
Another problem with these car washes is they may use a higher concentration of detergent which will quickly strip off the wax you so carefully applied (you do apply wax, don’t you?)
And as if that isn’t bad enough, touch less car washes don’t even remove all the dirt from your car. Look closely and you’ll see a hazy film of grime remains on the surface after the wash.
If you still decide to use a touch less self-serve car wash, always start the wash on high-pressure rinse and before you point it at your car, run it for at least 20 seconds against the wall to clear out any harsh chemicals left in the lines.
4. Leave bird droppings on the car until the next wash.  Birds must have an evil sense of humour, because no matter how far away from a tree you park, one of the little buggers will let fly and leave a deposit on your paintwork.
The likelihood of this happening is in direct proportion to how recently you washed the car. Bird droppings contain acid that can cause damage to the paint surface.
It is even worse under direct sunlight. The best advice is to wash bird droppings off your car as soon as possible – the longer it sits there, the more damage it can do.
5. Don’t wash your car, because “it’s only going to get dirty again”.  There’s a sense of inevitability, especially during winter, that as soon as you wash your car it will rain and undo all your good work.

However, the longer all that muck and dirt sits on your paintwork, the more damage it can do, so cleaning it off, even if the car is likely to get dirty again, is good pre-emptive practice.
6. Sit nice and close behind that vehicle in front.  Some people seem to delight in sitting as close to the vehicle ahead as they possibly can.

Not only is this a stupid and dangerous practice, it also peppers your car with debris. For every clink you hear hitting the bonnet or windscreen, there are probably three more taking aim at your bodywork, grille, headlights, bumpers and other vulnerable parts.
And as for sitting close behind large trucks, be warned: the larger the tyres, the bigger the projectiles.
7. Find yourself a great parking spot near a freeway or in an industrial area.  We all know how hard it can be to find a convenient parking space, but don’t be tempted to park anywhere near a busy freeway, railway line or in a heavy industrial area. 
While dark coloured cars are susceptible to swirl marks, cars with lighter coloured paint are affected by dust and other fallout that rains from above.
What appears to be tiny flecks of rust in your paintwork is actually microscopic pieces of metal and other pollutants sent into the atmosphere from car and train brakes?
They sit there unnoticed until they bloom as tiny rust dots all over your paintwork.
Caught early, they can often be wiped off, but once they get established, you’ll need a clay bar or even an acid wash to get rid of them.
8. Brake hard and often.  This is another stupid behaviour that increases the risk of somebody tail-ending you, but it also creates more brake dust residue to settle on your own car.

Not only will you find yourself replacing brake pads and rotors more often, you’ll be looking at getting your car detailed to preserve the finish.
9. Leave that ice and snow on the car – it’ll fall off eventually.  Maybe not a problem that afflicts too many Australian drivers, but ice, frost and snow do occasionally cover the roof, windscreen, boot and bonnet.
While ice and snow on their own won’t scratch the paintwork as they slide over it, the dirt and debris underneath it will. Remove ice, snow or frost carefully, or wait for it to melt before moving off.
10. Don’t bother waxing your car twice a year. Wax is a protective coating for your paintwork and over time it breaks down. It should be applied each year before winter and again before summer.

Use a reputable brand, apply it in the shade and take your time.
See? Giving your car that unloved patina isn’t really so difficult. But keeping your precious paintwork looking like new is possible if you follow this relatively simple advice.

And apart from the satisfaction of owning and driving a smart car, you’ll benefit when it’s time to trade it in or sell it privately.