Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Undergraduate Admissions 2013-14 - Education & Career Success Guide

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Undergraduate Admissions 2013-14

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Important Dates          
Application Last Date (only Online Applications)     :     June 7th 2012

Applications are invited by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University for admission to the undergraduate degree programs for the year 2013-2014

Courses Offered

Agricultural Science Programs

    B. Sc. (Agriculture)
    B. Sc. (Horticulture)
    B. Sc. (Forestry)
    B. Sc. (Home Science)
    B. Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)
    B. Sc. (Sericulture)

Agricultural Technology Programs
    B. Tech. (Food Process Engineering)
    B. Tech. (Biotechnology)
    B. Tech. (Horticulture)
    B. Tech. (Energy and Environmental Engineering)
    B. Tech. (Bioinformatics)
    B. S. (Agribusiness Management)
    B. Tech. (Agricultural Information Technology)

Eligibility Criteria for admissions
The candidates must have passed in the higher secondary examination or its equivalent from any recognized university.

Nativity : Candidates having Tamil Nadu Nativity only will be considered for admission. Candidates who have not studied X, XI and XII standards in Tamil Nadu should produce the Certificate of Permanent Residence in Tamil Nadu in the prescribed format issued by the competent authorities. (Certificate – TNAU/2013-1 enclosed in the online Information Brochure).

For further details you can check the official website of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore (TNAU).

 How to apply

Candidates can apply online at the institute website http://www.tnau.ac.in/. Before filling the online application, read the Admission Information Brochure First.

 Printed applications are not available.

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