Karwa Chauth Celebrations - Education & Career Success Guide

Karwa Chauth Celebrations

The day of Karva Chauth is celebrated mostly amongst the entire North Indian community settled either in India and other parts of the world.

The most important aspect of this day is that a dawn to dusk fast is undertaken by the North Indian ladies and seeing the moon they finally break the fast.

The Karva Chauth fast is unique perhaps because nowhere in the world does a wife go without food or water just to pray for the longevity and well-being of her husband.

In modern day, with all the trappings of commercialization attached, Karva Chauth, the big fasting day has turned into a full-fledged event. The event is growing bigger with each passing day. Karva Chauth celebrations promise to grow bigger with each passing year.

The Halwais, the Mehendi and Churiwallis have traditionally been busy on this auspicious day. But joining the bandwagon in recent times are the beauty parlour owners, the event managers and the restaurant owners.

Karva Chauth special eateries are gearing up for now. Cashing in on the popularity of 'eating out' most restaurants have special menus for this special day. No wonder almost every happening-eating joint around town is offering plenty of attractive options to choose from.

Various clubs organize special events on this festive day with various stalls, bumper Tambola and even a dance competition. With so much feasting and fun added to it, fasting had never been so good before.

Around the world and is a fast undertaken by married Hindu women who offer prayers seeking the welfare, prosperity, well being, and longevity of their husbands.  If the wife is going to fast for the husband then why the husband also join his wife and give her company and fast with her. A marriage is considered to be a bond of a lifetime. This marital bond is considered very sacred and can only be broken when one passes on. That’s why in the Sanathan (Hindu) Culture – in the Sanskrit language - there’s no such word for divorce.

The Karwa Chauth festival falls on the Kartik ki Chauth which means the fourth day of the waning moon or dark fortnight of Hindu month of Kartik.

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