Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai : Graduate School Admissions (GS-2013) - Education & Career Success Guide

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai : Graduate School Admissions (GS-2013)

Graduate School Admissions (GS-2013): Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai 

 Important Dates            

Last date for receiving applications     :     26th October 2012
Date for nationwide written test     :     9th December 2012
Test Timings
Physics, Chemistry and  Computer & Systems Sciences     :     9:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Biology & Mathematics     :     2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is India's premier institution for advanced research in fundamental sciences. The Institute runs a graduate programme leading to the award of Ph.D. degree, as well as M.Sc. and Integrated Ph.D. in certain subjects. With its distinguished faculty, world class facilities and stimulating research environment, it is an ideal place for aspiring scientists to initiate their career.

The Graduate Programme at TIFR is classified into the following Subjects - Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer & Systems Sciences and Science Education. It is conducted at the Mumbai campus and various National Centres of TIFR.


    Ph.D.: Mathematics (TIFR, Mumbai & CAM, Bangalore), Physics, Chemistry, Computer & Sytems Sciences, Biology (TIFR, Mumbai & NCBS, Bangalore).
    Integrated Ph.D.: Mathematics (CAM, Bangalore), Biology (TIFR, Mumbai & NCBS, Bangalore).
    M.Sc.: Biology (TIFR, Mumbai).

Eligibility :
    Mathematics :
    For Ph.D. (Mumbai): M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech./M.Tech./M.A./ B.A./B.Sc. degree holders.
    For Ph.D. (Bangalore): M.A./M.Sc. Degree holders.
    For Integrated Ph.D. (Bangalore): B.A./B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. degree holders.
    Physics / Chemistry :
    For Ph.D. : M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech./ M.Tech degree holders. Final year B.Sc. students with consistently good academic record are also eligible to apply.
    For Ph.D. : Masters in Basic Science or Bachelors in Applied Science. These include M.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Tech., B.E., B.V.Sc., B.Pharma. (4 year course), MBBS, BDS, M.Pharma.
    For Integrated Ph.D./M.Sc. : Bachelors in any Basic Science.
    Students with training in Physics or Chemistry are also invited to apply for the biology programmes.
    Computer & Systems Sciences :
    For Ph.D. : B.E./B.Tech./M.E./M.Tech./MCA/ M.Sc. (Computer Science / Electrical Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Information Technology) degree holders.
    Exceptionally well qualified students with B.E./B.Tech./M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc. or equivalent degrees in other disciplines may also be considered.

Final year students with consistently good academic record and knowledge of advanced topics may also apply for the relevant subjects.

Candidates not holding a Master's degree and admitted to a Ph.D. programme can receive an M.Sc. degree by fulfilling prescribed requirements.

Application Procedure :
Students can apply online. Please follow appropriate link on this website for filling up the application form. Please read the instructions carefully before you start filling up the online application form.

Students from remote areas who do not have access to internet may apply manually. They may send a request for application form (without DD) along with a self-addressed stamped (Rs 20/-) envelope (size 25cm x 17cm) superscribed "GS-2013 (Subject)" to :
For Biology: Admissions Section, NCBS, Bangalore .
For other subjects, except Science Education: Asstt. Registrar (Academic), TIFR, Mumbai.

The filled-in application form should be sent along with DD and two passport size photographs (one pasted on the application and one stapled to it).

Students may appear for the written test in multiple subjects if the timings do not clash. Please send a separate application (including Demand Draft) for each subject. In case of online applicants, students will have to re-register with a different email id.

Students who wish to apply online and make payment by Demand Draft may send the Demand Draft with their name, reference code and telephone number written behind it. Alternately, students can make online payment by Debit/Credit Card.

Application Fee & Payment
Application Fee (Non-Refundable): Rs 500/- for online applications and Rs 550/- for manual applications. Rs 800/- for students who wish to take the test as walk-in candidates.

Application fee can be paid online by Debit/Credit Card or through Demand Draft.

Demand Draft:
Biology: DD should be drawn on State Bank of India in favour of "National Centre for Biological Science" payable at Bangalore.
Other Subjects: DD should be drawn on State Bank of India in favour of "Tata Institute of Fundamental Research" payable at Mumbai.

Please note:
(a) Instructions for downloading/printing of Hall tickets will be intimated by email only after receipt of application fee/approval of fee waiver.
(b) DDs with wrong denomination will not be returned and hall ticket will not be issued.

Examination Centers
  1. Ahmedabad, St Xavier's College
  2. Bangalore, University of Agricultural Sciences
  3. Bhubaneshwar, Utkal University
  4. Chandigarh, Panjab University
  5. Chennai, Indian Institute of Technology
  6. Cochin, Cochin Univ. of Science & Technology
  7. Delhi, Miranda House, Delhi University
  8. Guwahati, Indian Institute of Technology
  9. Haldwani, Motiram Baburam Govt. P.G. College
  10. Hyderabad, Hyderabad University
  11. Indore, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya
  12. Jaipur, India International School
  13. Jammu & Kashmir, Jammu University
  14. Kanpur, Indian Institute of Technology
  15. Kolkata, (exact venue will be announced shortly)
  16. Madurai, The Madura College
  17. Mangalore, University College, Mangalore University
  18. Mumbai, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
  19. Nagpur, Shri Ramdeo Baba Kamla Nehru Eng. Coll.
  20. Patna, Radiant International School
  21. Pune, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics
  22. Varanasi, Banaras Hindu University
  23. Visakhapatnam, GITAM University

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