National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram: MD Admission 2013 - Education & Career Success Guide

National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram: MD Admission 2013

Important Dates :          

Date of downloading of application form commences from     :     21.08.2012
Last date for receipt of filled-in Application Form     :     05.10.2012
Date of Entrance Examination     :     20.10.2012
Date of Counseling     :     22.10.2012

Applications are invited  for entrance examination for admission to PG course in various branches for the academic year 2012-13

Duration : 3 years

The M.D (S) course is of three years duration with examinations at the end of each academic year. After completion of the three years course successfully, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R Medical University will award the Postgraduate Degree in Siddha Medicine i.e. M.D. (Siddha).


1. A pass in B.I.M/B.S.M.S Degree Examination of any Indian University with successful completion of Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship (C.R.R.I).

Candidates who have completed or will be completing C.R.R.I before the date of Entrance Examination alone are eligible to apply for the M.D(Siddha) Course.


A pass in the examination considered equivalent to the afore- mentioned Siddha Degrees by The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai and the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi, with successful completion of Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship (C.R.R.I) in the Hospital of Indian Systems of Medicine recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi.

2. The candidates should have registered their names in either State Council of Indian Medicine or Central Council of Indian Medicine.

Note 1: Candidates who had discontinued M.D(Siddha) course on any ground can also apply for admission if their discontinuance has not resulted in a seat being wasted. On the other hand, if their discontinuance had resulted in a seat being wasted, they can apply only after two years from the date of discontinuance.

Note 2: Candidates possessing M.D. (Siddha) degree in any discipline can apply for another discipline. But stipend will not be paid for the candidates doing M.D(S) course in another Branch for the second time.


The candidates will have to appear for the Entrance Examination conducted by the Institute for admission to the M.D (Siddha) course for 2012-13 session.
Instructions regarding entrance examination
1. The Entrance Examination will be conducted on 20.10.12 in a single session of 3 hours duration (10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m) at the venue indicated in the hall ticket.

2. The Entrance Examination will be of undergraduate level covering all the subjects taught in B.S.M.S course and the questions will be in the objective type in Tamil and English. There will be 250 objective type questions (in English and Tamil versions) with four responses (A, B, C and D).

3. Each question will carry 1 (ONE) mark. Incorrect response will have negative marking. For incorrect response 0.25 mark will be deducted, zero mark will be given for questions not answered. Indication of more than one answer or illegible response will be negatively marked. The maximum marks will be compounded to 100.

Mode of Selection

1. Admission to the course will be made on merit basis based on the marks obtained in the Entrance Examination. Total Marks for Entrance Exam is 100.

2. Candidates securing 50% or above of the total marks for the General category, Special Category (Locomotory disability) and the Reserved Category of OBC and 40% or above of the total marks for the reserved categories of SC/ST only will be eligible for counselling for M.D(Siddha) course.

3. In case more than one candidate has secured the same total marks the tie shall be resolved on the basis of the following order of priority:

i) Seniority in age.

ii) Percentage of marks obtained in the Final year examinations (Theory, Oral and Clinical marks).

iii) Least number of attempts in passing the final year examination.

4. Option and allotment of Branches will be made at the time of counselling to be conducted at the Office of the Director, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Candidates who are absent for counselling will lose their right for admission.

5. Branch once opted and allotted to the candidate at the time of counseling will not be changed subsequently under any circumstances.

6. The candidates who are selected for admission shall pay a sum of Rs.17,000/- Rupees Seventeen Thousand only) by way of a Demand Draft on any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the Director, National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai - 600 047, payable at Chennai, at the time of counselling.

The amount so paid by the candidate will be adjusted against the other fees payable to the Institute. Physical Fitness Certificate from a Competent authority should be submitted at the time of joining the course.

If the candidate fails to join the course after getting allotment order and within the stipulated time the amount paid at the time of counseling will be forfeited.

7. The admission for M.D (Siddha) course will close on the cut off date prescribed by The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University for the academic year 2012-13.

Unauthorized absence by the selected candidate continuously for one month from the date of commencement of the course will be treated as ‘discontinuation of the course and the candidate will have to give a declaration to this effect at the time of counselling

Documents to be enclosed along with the filled in application
1. Demand Draft for Rs.1000/-(Rupees One Thousand only) in case of General Category and Rs.750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and Fifty only) for SC/ST category drawn on any Nationalised Bank in favour of ‘The Director, National Institute of Siddha’ payable at Chennai towards application fee.

2. Attested photocopy of evidence for Date of Birth (H.S certificate / College leaving Certificate to be furnished).

3. Attested photocopy of Transfer Certificate.

4. Attested photocopy of the Community Certificate (for OBC/SC/ST ).

5. Attested photocopy of the Special category Certificate – if applicable.

6. Attested photocopy of Statement of marks of first appearance (including failed subjects) Final year B.I.M / B.S.M.S Course.

7. Attested photocopy of Internship certificate.

8. Attested photocopy of B.I.M / B.S.M.S Degree Certificate / Provisional Certificate issued by the University.

9. Attested photocopy of the Medical Registration Certificate.

10. Two ORIGINAL latest Conduct certificates

a. One from the institution last studied

b. Original latest conduct certificate obtained from known responsible person of Gazetted rank.

11. Identification cum attendance card of the Entrance Examination.

12. Hall Ticket for the Entrance Examination 2012-13.

13. Self addressed envelope with Postage stamp for Rs.36/- affixed for issue of hall ticket (25 cms x 12 cms.).

Contact Details
Address      :     National Institute of Siddha,
Tambaram Sanatorium,
Chennai- 600047

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