North Eastern Railway (NER) 1069 Peon / Helper / Group D Opening - Education & Career Success Guide

North Eastern Railway (NER) 1069 Peon / Helper / Group D Opening

North Eastern Railway (NER)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways)
Employment Notice No: NER/RRC/D/03/2012-13
Closing Date : 10 September 2012
NER, recruiting applications for the vacancy of Peon / Safaiwala / Helper / Group D / Khalasi :
Trade:- Peon / Safaiwala / Helper / Group D / Khalasi/ Gateman / Valveman
  • Qualification : Applicant Must be 10th pass or ITI or equivalent. Those applicants who are appearing in and/or awaiting results of final examination of class 10th are not eligible. Academic qualification must be from recognized Educational Institution/ Board, otherwise applicants will be rejected.
  • Age Limit : Min.18 year to Max. 33 years.
Examination  Fee : The Examination fee UR and OBC applicants is Rs. 40/-. Applicants belonging to SC/ST/Women/ Minority Community and Economically Weaker Section and PH category are exempted from payment of examination fees. The Examination fee should be paid in the from any Postal Order from any Post Office drawn in favour of “Asst Personnel Officer (Recruitment), RRC, N. E. Railway and payable at Gorakhpur.
Apply Procedure:- Applicants should apply in the prescribed application format. Applicants should mention ” Application for Group ‘D’ posts- Northern Railway” on the top of the envelop containing the application. Each cover should contain one application only. In case more than one application is sent in one cover, all such applications will be rejected. The Applicants should send application duly filled in along with required documents by Post, so as to reach RRC/ NER office within the last date positively. Application received after due date, for any reason whatesoever, will not considered. Postal Address : Deputy Chief Personnel Recruitment, Railway Recruitment Cell, North Eastern Railway Headquarters, CCM’s Annex Building, Railway Road, No. 14, Gorakkhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273012. 
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1 comment:

  1. North Eastern Railway Recruitment 2018 For 350 Group C & D Post. Apply online For RRC NER Recruitment 2018 before the date 30.07.2018..
