Gift Ideas for the Festival Season - Education & Career Success Guide

Gift Ideas for the Festival Season

Giving a gifts to your loved ones and dear ones, planning it well can save you some angst and a lot of money too. Gifts are an opportunity to show care, affection and love. Give the most perfect gift to a loving family member, a sulking relative, your best friend or that worst enemy and win their hearts forever. Stop! Don’t panic and sweat. And do not resort to recycling old gifts.

 No Holiday for Indulgence
Chocolate boxes are out of fashion. It’s time for chocolate wraps. Talking about Spa therapy!! Holiday season means lack of sleep because of too much socializing. If you do not want to go out for a one-time experience, gift an exotic tea/ coffee hamper and beanbag chair.
Then you can spend memorable leisure times together.
If your man has never been able to justify spending his own money on a high-end shaving cream, this is the perfect time to get one for him.

Just for You
A little thought can take you a long way. Be it your partner or your friends, think about what they like and you could personalize it on jewellery, T-shirts, bags and more. Don’t just stop at their names. It could be their favorite quotes, some cartoons, characters or dialogues from movies or inspiring lines from a book.
Digital photo frames with your pictures in it, or a scrapbook with snaps and messages from the entire family and gang will rekindle the good memories from the past.

A Guy Thing
Men always appreciate gadgets and Gizmos. Whether it’s an upgrade in their existing technology in computer or car, new games for the younger ones, or classic motorcycle jacket, boots and leather knapsack for the adventure travelers. If you can swing it, surely the junkies won’t mind.
A Treat for Two
Festivals are the time to forget lovers’ its time for him/her. After all, love is all we need. overlooking the sea, be a part of barbeque dinner, live music, moonlit nights followed by New Year celebrations there.
This is a gift, which is also time spent together, and New Year party included a three in one for sure.

Get the Green Fix Chocaholic
Create pillows from the T-shirts you were about to throw. Use your creativity and give it a new touch. Source that erotic plant for your garden. (Sure think about its survival in your climate). You could even exchange organic products and garments.
Buying gifts that in some way contribute to the planet will truly bring you joy to the world.

A Good Story Book
Whether it is the complete Calvin and Hobbes collection for your children or The Last Lecture for the elders, books always make for classic gifts.
Just make sure they are hand curated picks and not one of those ‘How to’ series, because it means the person at the receiving end is depressed or needs to lose some weight.
For a cinema buff, DVDs are also an effective gift. If he/she missed it in the theaters and television and gets it as a gift, she will be your slave for a lifetime. Happy Giving!!!!

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