Jobs in Indian Army - Education & Career Success Guide

Jobs in Indian Army

Indian Army University Entry Scheme 2012 – 60 Various Vacancies:
  Indian Army has issued notification against recruitment of 60 various vacancies as 23rd Pre Final Year University Entry Scheme (UES) for Men permanent commission (July 2014). Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 28-09-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply are given below…

Indian Army Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 60
Names of Streams of Engineering:
1. Civil – 12 vacancies
2. Architecture/Building Constr Technology – 02 vacancies
3. Electrical – 08 vacancies
4. Mechanical – 10 vacancies
5. Production – 03 vacancies
6. Electronics – 07 vacancies
7. Communication/Telecom – 11 vacancies
8. Food Tech/Bio Tech/Bio Medical Engg – 02 vacancies
9. Computer Science & Engg/Computer Tech/Computer Science/M.Sc Comp Science – 04 vacancies
10. Chemical Engg – 01 vacancy

Age Limit: Candidates must be born between 02-07-1989 and 01-07-1995 and upper age limit would be 24 years. Age limit will be applicable at the
time of commencement of course.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must be studying in Pre Final Year of Engineering Course in concerned subject from any recognized University.

Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Psychologically Oriented Tests, Psychological Tests, Group Test, Interview and Medical Examination.

How to Apply: Candidates need to download application format available in the webiste, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe in red ink the name of the branch of Engineering on the envelope and send it to reach respective Command HQ as provided in the notification  on or before 28-09-2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 28-09-2012

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