Eat in moderation. Walk for 40 minutes. Surround yourself with positive people. How women can lead a healthy life.
On the occasion of
World Health Day, it is important that we reiterate the importance of health
for women.
Especially when all
they do is look after everyone’s well-being and neglect their own health.
Being the anchor at
work and home, it often becomes difficult for women to balance health in
between. But it is not impossible.
Here are simple things
women can do to stay healthy without much effort:
a healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle automatically helps in leading a
happy and fit life.
This includes a routine of sleeping and waking up
early, taking maximum 7 to 8 hours of sleep and not going against the natural
rhythm of your body.
Having a mix of cardio, yoga and weight training
works wonders for women.
Introducing 40 minutes of brisk walking in open air
to your daily routine.
It not only boosts your confidence, it helps in
preventing osteoporosis, heart ailments, cancer and diabetes
Stress is one of the major issues which escalates
health problems.
Indian women have too much on their plates and want
to juggle it all.
Stress can have significant health consequences. Researchers
have shown us that stress can lead to infertility, to higher risks of
depression, anxiety and heart diseases.
Find the stress-reduction method that works for you
and stick with it."
Moderation is the key. It doesn't mean you have to forego your favorite
glass of wine or a piece of chocolate cake now and then.
Get a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, smart
carbs, and fibre.
Avoid foods rich in sugar as a major content like
chocolates, aerated drinks, juices, ice creams and sweets
The most neglected part of Indian women is a
periodic health check. Do prioritize it.
Right from puberty to menopause, a constant check is
Opt for an annual health check as soon as you reach
40. Get a regular Pap smear test done.
For all the women, it is important to get vaccinated
Vaccinations such as HPV, Hepatitis B etc are
recommended. Also, if any woman is on medication they should not skip it.
Talking about health checks and vaccinations, a
proper menstrual hygiene maintenance is important too. You should visit your
gynecologist regularly to ensure everything is fine.
Sleep needs differ, but if you have trouble getting
out of bed, tire easily, or have trouble concentrating, you likely aren't
getting enough sleep.
Recent studies suggest this can put you at greater
risk of heart disease and psychological problems.
For women who are sexually active, it is important
to understand why safe sex should be practiced.
Don't ignore the importance of contraception and
family planning. Effective use of contraception will help reduce the risk of
STDs and HIV Aids.
When you feel happy within, your face glows too. Keep
up the smile always.
Make sure you are surrounded by a group of people
who share positive vibes. It eventually leads to a happier environment.