What is Ragging? Lets make India Ragging free - Education & Career Success Guide

What is Ragging? Lets make India Ragging free

In the name of introduction or initiation, millions of students are brutally abused in many educational institutions. Historically originated, probably, to generate fellow-feelings, camaraderie and the ability to work in a team, it has metamorphosed to a blood sucking vampire!
Teenagers entering those colleges (and now even in some schools) are physically, mentally and often sexually (heterosexually and homosexually) abused. They are often subjected to tortures comparable to the sufferings of the victims of Nazi Holocausts... except the gas chambers!    Deaths, suicides and homicides, are however not uncommon.
Newspapers report 10-14 deaths every year, in India, with a peak of 19. However, records from the National Crime Records Bureau shows alarmingly high number (5702) of suicides among students of the concerned age group in their report, in comparison with the younger (1410) and the older (208) age groups. This data is for 2010 alone. It is not known how many of the 5702 suicides are the outcomes of Ragging.
  .A coward is incapable of exhibiting love, it is the prerogative of the brave.”
                        Mahatma Gandhi 

Recent Ragging Incident


  • College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat
A first-year student of electronics and instrumentation at Kolaghat engineering college was allegedly assaulted by his seniors outside the college campus while the West Midnapore boy was on his way back home. On August 29, seniors with their faces covered slashed the boy's arm, neck and back and threatened him with dire consequences if he ever returned to the college. His parents lodged a complaint with the college director Naredra Nath Jana and Kolaghat police on Monday.
This isn't the first time that Subhro Samanta, a bright student from Daspur resident, has met with such fate.
"My son often used to complain of being assaulted and tortured by seniors. We told him that it was a passing phase and urged him to concentrate on his studies," Subhro's father Tapas Samanta said. Jana has ordered a probe into the attack

Responsibilities of University Grants Commission (UGC)

1) The Commission to verify that the institutions strictly comply with the requirement of getting the affidavits from the students and their parents/guardians as envisaged under these Regulations.
2) The Commission to make it mandatory for the institutions to incorporate in their prospectus, the anti-ragging directions of the Central Government or the State Level Monitoring Committee
3) The Commission to maintain an appropriate data base to be created out of affidavits, and such database to also function as a record of ragging complaints received, and the status of the action taken thereon.
4) The Commission shall make available the database to a non-governmental agency
5) The Commission to include a specific condition in the Utilization Certificate, in respect of any financial assistance or grants-in-aid to any institution, that the institution has complied with the anti-ragging measures.
6) The Commission to constitute an Inter-Council Committee to coordinate and monitor the anti-ragging measures in institutions across the country.
7) The Commission to institute an Anti-Ragging Cell within the Commission to provide secretarial support for collection of information and monitoring, and to coordinate with the State Level Monitoring Cell and University level Committees for effective implementation of anti-ragging measures

 Lets make India Ragging free

We need more and more people to understand the gravity of the problem, so there is urgent need to generate and/or spread proper awareness.
Most importantly the students need to be made aware, in order to discourage them from ragging and to encourage them in creating healthy, social and friendly atmosphere within their campuses. Newcomers should also know how and where to seek help and the recourses available. Awareness must also be generated among others concerned.
In addition to spreading the awareness, and to promoting / creating Anti-Ragging units within the campuses, there is a serious need to provide medical, legal and other supports to the victims and/or their families, esp. those who do not have adequate resources.
We strongly need YOUR kind supports to achieve our goal

Very Important to Note

 Leading English daily (Indian), the Telegraph reported (on Oct 17, 20011) that about one lakh students call the helpline, every month, to report a case of ragging. The report states that only a few of them get any response. 

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