Education & Career Success Guide: Main Subjects
Showing posts with label Main Subjects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Main Subjects. Show all posts

Pharmacy Diploma Courses - After 10+2

Pharmacy Diploma Courses - After 10+2
  •     Diploma in Pharmacy
Salient Features of the Course1.     Programme Title     Diploma course in Pharmacy
2.     Entry Qualification     10+2 with science subjects
3.     Course Duration        Two years
4.     Course structure     Semester system

Pharmacy diploma course is oldest after Civil, Electrical and Mechanical engineering diplomas. It is not an engineering course. It is a medical course.

  •  Pharmacists study the chemistry of drugs, their origin, procedures for drug development, their preparation, dispensing, their effects and eventual use for prevention and treatment of disease. The complexity of drug therapy and the dangers of drug abuse has brought into focus the need of pharmacists' special skills to maintain a rational approach in the realm of drug treatments.
  •     Pharmacists work in research, processing and manufacture of drugs.
Main Subjects : Two Year Diploma Curricula
  1.     Pharmaceutics
  2.     Pharmaceutical Chemistry 
  3.     Pharmacognosy
  4.     Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology
  5.     Human Anatomy & Physiology
  6.     Health Education & Community Pharmacy
  7.     Pharmacology & Toxicology
  8.     Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
  9.     Drug Store & Business Management
  10.     Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy
Continuing Education
  •     Students can opt for higher education such as B. Pharm, M. Pharm and Ph D.
Job Opportunities
  •     Hospital Pharmacist/Clinical Pharmacist/Community pharmacist
  •     Employment opportunities in medical stores , whole sale dealers & manufacturing units.
  •     As an entrepreneur for repacking of drugs & chemicals.
  •     Sales/Medical representatives.
  •     Analysts in chemical / drug analysis laboratories.
  •     Technicians in biochemistry & pathology lab.
  •     Research/Biotechnological research and development in the private national/multinational firms such as RanBaxy has expanded the sphere of business activity of this field.
  •     Teaching
  •     May start their own chemist shops for which pharmacy diploma is a must to obtain the license. 
Pharma Colleges
  1. A R College & G H Patel Institute of Pharmacy
  2. A J College of Pharmacy
  3. A. N. D. College of Pharmacy
  4. A.I.T's Institute of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Nagar
  5. A.J. College of Pharmacy
  6. A.M. College of Pharmacy, Karunagappally
  7. A.S.N Pharmacy College, Guntur Dist
  8. A.S.P.M.'s K.T. Patil College of Pharmacy
  9. A.S.P.M's Diploma IN Pharmacy Institute, Chaadwad
  10. A.S.R. Govt. Junior College
  11. Aadhi Bhagawan College of Pharmacy
  12. Abasaheb Kakade College of Pharmacy
  13. Abhilashi College of Pharmacy
  14. Acharya & B.M Reedy College of Pharmacy , Hesaraghatta Road, Chikkabanawara Post
  15. Acharya & B.M Reedy College of Pharmacy , Hesaraghatta Road, Chikkabanawara Post
  16. Acharya B.M. Reddy College of Pharmacy, Peenya
  17. Adarsh Shikshan Sanstha's College of Pharmacy
  18. Adarsha College of Pharmacy
  19. Adesh Polytechnic
  20. Adhiparasakthi College of Pharmacy, Chengai M.G.R. District

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Career in Civil Engineering

Career in Civil Engineering
Salient Features of the Course
1.Programme Title     Diploma course in Civil Engineering.
2. Entry Qualification     Matriculation and as per norms laid down by the AICTE/ State Board of Technical Education (10+)                      
3. Course Duration      3 years
4. Type of course         Full time    
5. Pattern of Course     Semester system
(Each semester is of 16 weeks and each week has 40 hours of contact for academic work)

Civil Engineering is one of the oldest branches of Engineering because it deals with the day to day  necessities of life  and provides for   physical infrastructure of our modern society. Civil Engineers are concerned with all types of structures including dams, bridges, pipelines, roads, towers and buildings, transport systems, the design and management of our gas and water supply, sewerage systems, harbors, airports and railways.

  • To design, planning, managing and  supervise the construction of roads, pavements, hill roads , road drainage system, pipelines,  towers and buildings, dams, power stations for electricity, embankments, construction of canals, head works, river training works, cross drainage works, regulatory and other Civil Engineering structures which should be  safe, economical and environmentally-sound
  •     Includes the jobs of detailed surveying, plotting of survey data, preparation of survey maps .
  •     To supervise operations involving proportioning, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting, finishing and curing of concrete.
  •     Construction of water supply and providing portable water.
  •     Collection and disposal of waste solids and liquids , sewage treatment works
  •     Preventing water logging and Irrigation works by tube wells.
  •     To supervise fabrication and erection of steel structures.
  •     To design simple steel structural elements.
  •     Make changes in design depending upon availability of materials.
  •     To read and interpret structural drawings of different elements.
Main Subjects :Three Year Diploma Curricula
  1.     Basic Engineering Subjects
  2.     Structural Mechanics
  3.     Surveying, Irrigation Engineering
  4.     Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering
  5.     Transportation Engineering
  6.     Soil & Foundation Engineering  
  7.     Const. Management and Accounts 
  8.     Elements of Steel Structural Design
  9.     Estimating & Costing
  10.     Building Construction
  11.     Hydraulics
Further Education
  •     Degree through A.I.I.A./Degree through A.M.I.E.
  •     Certain Universities admit diploma students in to 2nd year degree course after entrance exams.
Employment Opportunities
  •     Civil engineers may specialise as chief civil engineers, construction engineers, municipal engineers, structural engineers, transport engineers, or water supply distribution engineers.
  •     Civil and public health engineers may work in the private sector as consulting engineers, project managers or construction contractors or in a wide range of government departments.
  •     Work opportunities for civil engineers are affected by fluctuations in the building and construction industry. As a result, the number of opportunities may rise or fall over a short period of time.
  •     Prestigious civil engineering projects such as express highway, Railway project, large dams and various bridges, water Resources and Environmental Projects, Transportation/Traffic   in India and abroad require Civil Engineers.
  •     Teaching/Research/Management

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