How to Start A Bullet Journal - Education & Career Success Guide

How to Start A Bullet Journal

You've probably heard the term bullet journal before but never really got around to the basics of it. So, it all seemed like a mish-mash of coloured pens, fancy notebooks and confusing terms that meant nothing to you. Until now.
Bullet journaling is actually a genius way of tracking and organizing your life, in a satisfying way that an app on your phone cannot compete with. As it is cross between a planner and to-do list, it is ideal for those who enjoy scheduling, organization and fun stationery so if you're one of them, do give it a try. We're breaking down what bullet journaling is and to begin, all you need is a notebook and a pen.
1. Index
Like any other diary, your bullet journal will start with an index. It works like a table that holds all the keys to the other sections of your journal. So if you're ever searching for something, you go back to your journal.
2. Daily
Your daily activities go in the daily page. Here you can fill in the doctor's appointment you have, the amount of water you need to drink or the tasks you need to complete. There isn't any restriction to what kind of activity you fill in; it could be work related, physical, mental, emotional or health. 
Dailies come with a key, which is basically a number of symbols. A tick mark could mean done, circle could mean pending and arrow could mean pushed forward; all keys are broken down in the index. On a daily basis, activities are marked accordingly with the respective key.
3. Monthly
Write the name of the month at the top of the page and days of the month along the left hand side of it. Now you can plan ahead and start jotting down activities you have for particular days in the month to come.
4. Future Log
Think of this as an extended version of the monthly column. As the name suggests, it is for tasks and activities that you would like to track down the line. It could be on a three month or six month basis, however far you see yourself able to plan for the future.
5. Signifiers
Signifiers are similar to the keys used in daily plan. Basically, they are a group of symbols meant to signify something which are used on the monthly and future logs. They could meant a red dot for urgent or a star for an event. Apply these symbols to your logs and you'll be able to decipher the nature of it.
6. Additions
The great part about bullet journaling is that there are no rules. While we've covered the basics, individuals can add and subtract according to their liking. In bullet journals, many add health goals, calendars and movies they'd like to watch. So depending on what you like, you can go ahead and customise yours too.

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