How to Save Energy at Home - Education & Career Success Guide

How to Save Energy at Home

Here are some tips to help you use energy more efficiently at home

Save Energy at Home
  • Switch to low energy lighting throughout your home that uses one-fifth the energy of normal light bulbs. CFL bulbs are a good energy saving option.
  • Use movement sensitive lights areas like hallways so that every time you pass by or leave a room, the lights automatically sense it and turn on or turn off.
  • Always turn off your computer and television. Never keep them on standby as this consumes more energy.
  • Don’t forget to switch off broadband connections, speakers or printers. They are all mini energy guzzlers which, taken as a whole, amount to a lot.
  • Look for refrigerators and washing machines having the highest energy efficiency rating.
  • As regards cooking appliances, mini crowaves are the most efficient as they cook fast.
  • Get batteries that can be recharged rather than recycled.
  • Install solar panels on your rooftop. In climates like ours, a solar heating system can provide 50 to 75 percent of domestic hot water use.
  • The energy (natural gas, propane, electricity, etc) needed for hot water heating can be reduced by 60 to 90 percent by using a solar water heating system to pre-heat water before it enters your existing traditional water heater.
  • Costing far less than a new conventional heating system, solar air heating system usually pay for themselves in 3 to 6 years. The typically last for 18 to 35 years and require minimal maintenance.
  • Get a switch installed, which checks your power usage. This will automatically turn off the power if the usage is more than the prescribed load.

Care for your new wall mural

Some tips to keep a wall mural looking good
  • When planning a wall mural, choose a spot, which gets the greatest amount of attention, and the least exposure to air to prevent wear and tear of the mural. Murals are best made on walls that have the least amount of sun exposure, surface contact caused by people leaning against that wall, or where there is scope for furniture to be moved against the wall.
  • As for maintenance outdoor murals can simply be washed down with water from a hosepipe, while using a dry or wet cloth, depending on the material of the mural, can clean indoor murals.
  • Properly hung wall coverings will last for years. In most cases, stains can be removed without a trace.
  • For general cleaning, a sudsy solution of mild soap and lukewarm water should be applied generously to the wall mural using a soft cloth with very light pressure.
  • Before you go on scrubbing spree, test a small area of the wall mural prior to working your way to a larger area. Too much of scrubbing with harsh cleaning materials may damage the wallpaper mural.

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