Career in Space Technology - Education & Career Success Guide

Career in Space Technology

India has got impressive achievements in the development and application of space technology in the vital areas like telecommunications, metrological services, water resources, Minerals and environmental monitoring, television broadcast etc. reliable and effective operations of many Indian – built satellites, IRS and INSAT series is the clear testimony of the technological excellence achieved in this field by Indian – Space Research Organization ( ISRO ).

 Space Science Activities: 

Space science activities relate to four broad discipline i.e. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Prametary Atmospheres and Aeronomy, Earth Sciences and Solar System Studies. Research in the area of Astronomy and Astrophysics cover solar phenomena like solar flares, their relationship with the magnetic field, propagation of their effect in the interplanetary space etc.
Research activities in the prametary atmospheres and aeronomy are carried out atmospheres and astrophysics. Earth science and solar system studies cover oceanography, climate studies, Solar system and geochronology. Research activities in theoretical physics are related to macroscopic and microscopic physics. Macroscopic physics includes studies in astrophysics, meteorology climate studies and plasma physics whereas Microscopic physics includes research in atomic and molecular physics, particle and nuclear physics.
Many Universities, Research Organizations and Institutions are actively involved in the researches of the diverse field of the space science. Space science research is being carried out by the Physical Research Laboratory ( PRL ), Ahmedabad in a major way and by the Space Physics Laboratory ( SPL ) at Thiruvananthapuram.

 Career Opportunities in Space Technology :

In order to enable oneself in taking up a career in Space Science, Space Technology or Space Applications, study of science subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry at undergraduate level is necessary. Several Indian Universities and other Institutions offer graduate / postgraduate / doctorate courses in the disciplines of relevance to space science / space technology and space applications.
Sciences / Engineers are recruited with M.Sc. / BE / ME or Ph.D. depending upon the specific recruitments of each job. Depending upon individuals capabilities and exellence, one can rise to Project Management / Division Head / Project Directors / Group Directors / Deputy Directors / Direction of Various Centres / Units of ISRO.
ISRO also employs B.Sc. degree holders and Engineering Diploma holders. Job opportunities are also available for those who possess industrial training, certificate in various trades / skills such as Electronics Instrumentations, Computer Electronics & Mechanical trades. Besides ISRO / Centre of Development of Space, certain industrial sectors too offer employment opportunities to those who are technically / professionally qualified and possess relevant skill and knowledge. The following is only an indicative list of some of the discipline highly relevant Skill and Knowledge.
The following is only an indicative list of some of the discipline highly relevant in ISRO’s activities for Scientists / Engineers :
Aeronautical Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer, Control Systems, Electrical Engineering, Electro – optics, Electronics, Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Metallurgy, Power Systems, Remote Sensing, Structure Engineering, Telecommunication.

The following is only an indicative list of some of the discipline highly relevant in ISRO’s activities for Scientists / Engineers :

1. Aeronautical Engineering, 
2. Atmospheric Sciences, 
3. Chemical Engineering, 
4. Civil Engineering, 
5. Computer, Control Systems, 
6. Electrical Engineering,
7. Electro – optics, 
8. Electronics, 
9. Material Science, 
10. Mechanical Engineering, 
11 Metallurgy Engineering, 
12. Metallurgy, 
13. Power Systems, 
14. Remote Sensing,
15. Structure Engineering, 
16. Telecommunication.

 Space Center and Unit :
  • Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre ( VSSC ), Thiruvananthapuram.
  • ISRO Satellite Centre ( ISAC ), Bangalore.
  • Space Application centre ( SAC ), Ahmedabad.
  • SHAR Centre, Shriharikota ( SHAR ), Andhra Pradesh.
  • Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre ( LPSC ), Thriruvananthapuram, Bangalore and Mahendragiri.
  • Development and Educational Communication Unit ( DECU ), Ahmedabad.
  • ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Common Network ( ISTRAC ), HQ : Bangalore, Stations : Bangalore, Lucknow, Car Nicobar, Sriharikota, Thirunanthapuram and Mauritius.
  • INSAT Master Control Facility at Hassan ( MCF ).
  • Physical Research Laboratory ( PRL ) Ahmedabad.
  • National Remote Sensing Agency ( NRSA ), Hyderabad. Also provides training through the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing at Dehra Dun.
  • National Mesosphere, Stratosphere & Troposphere Radar Facility ( NMRF ), Gandaki ( near Tirupati ).
  • Regional Remote Sensing Centres located at Bangalore, Dehra Dun, Jodhpur, Kharagpur and Nagpur.     

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